Saturday, June 2, 2007

"Come In, Coy!"

Ok, I just woke up today, and I am on call this weekend (sucks). I have decided to write about one story that my grandmother, Nazel (like Hazel with an "N"), from whom I inherited the "stubborn" gene, told me when I was younger. Nazel, more commonly known as Granny, passed away back in 2004. She was very proud, stubborn, and would say inappropriate things often, but she was fun sometimes.

Granny's mother was known as Momee (moh-mee); she was my great-grandmother. Unfortunately, most of my memories of her consist of her lying in the nursing home with Alzheimer's. There are some funny stories about my siblings and I in the nursing home; those old people were fucking crazy, and many of them would roam the halls freely.

Anyhow, before I get off track. Momee had this lady named Coy that lived nearby--I guess Coy was more or less her maid. Granny referred to Coy as a "mammy". From what I can gather, Coy was a middle-aged black lady with 3-4 kids, one of whom was named Zoo (maybe Zu?).

Coy was not a fan of severe weather. Whenever it would rain, especially with thunder and lightening, Coy would go out under Momee's pear tree wrapped in a blanket. She would stand there and go, "Whhhooooooo", "Whhhhoooooooo", all the while shaking and shivering in the blanket under the pear tree in the rain. Finally, Momee would shout, "Come In, Coy!", and Coy would run into Momee's house where she perceived it to be safe, I assume.

I wish that I knew someone like Coy....she sounds like a lot of fun. I wonder if she knew how to make any kind of home-made liquor? She probably did. Anyhow.....that's my story for today.

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