Monday, September 17, 2007

Beauty and Nature and Power

I'll keep this one short. Yes, short. It's late, and I have not blogged in a while, and I am working on a presentation for Sept. 20. Then I have Friday/Sunday/Tuesday call. And then I am going to fucking Chicago; I fucking love Chicago. And, as the guy in Sideways said (sort of an extrapolation), I'm not eating no fucking hot dog. They have pig lips and tails and ground up hooves. Not eating mayo or sushi either. I'm going to be the fuck what. I still look 24. So fuck it. I'll get some fucking T-shirts and call it a day. Then I might get drunk.

I was coming back from my psychiatrist appointment today. Yes, I have started seeing one. He seems to actually help. Trying to figure out why I'm so anxious all the time. Anyhow, when I was going out to my car, I noticed the light had a slightly different angle. It was not as direct. Mom knows what I'm talking about. Fall is here. It's a different shade of light, and it kind of comes at an angle. It's hard to explain. It is one of the great beauties of the natural world. I was looking at all of the trees, the leaves, the acorns, the individual blades of grass. The dizzying array of colors everywhere, likely taken for granted in their natural splendor. This is true beauty and power. Amazing.

"To see a world in a grain of sand
And heaven in a wild flower
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour."
(from 'Auguries of Innocence')
--William Blake

1 comment:

Jesse said...

C'mon man. Eat some hot dogs. Medical science says they're good for you. Hormel Chili?